The (internet) age old battle between content creators and pirates is an ever escalating arms race. It doesn’t seem to matter how much DRM and encryption creators put on their content, the next day there will be a dozen illegal torrents available. There is no way...
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Cartoon or Photo? – Image detection with Python
This all started with me just wanting a fast way to sort through image folders and remove cartoon images. That lead me down a spiraling rabbit hole of possibility. From using OpenCV to do different types of detection, or even training a Machine Learning model from...
Continue reading...pre-commit – Check yourself before you wreck yourself
pre-commit checks are like prenups. They run before you commit, get the dirty stuff out of the way, and may even save your relationship(s) in the long run. The difference is that pre-commit checks are written by programmers and not lawyers, so they are a lot...
Continue reading...Python’s New Structural Pattern Matching!
It’s finally happened, after years of complaining and told “it will never happen”, I got my darn switch statement! And honestly, calling it only a “switch” statement is really underselling it. It’s much more powerful than most people will ever use! You might have already heard...
Continue reading...Upload large files fast with Dropzone.js
I have previously covered how to upload large files with dropzone.js, but it didn’t allow for parallel chunk uploads. In this article we will go over that new addition, as well as several other improvements. Download the final executable or view github to see all the...
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