Truffle is an amazing suite of tools created by Consensys to develop smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain network. However, it can be a bit jarring to make the leap from local development to the real test network, ropsten. Required Setup For this walk through, I...
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ThreadPools explained – In the deep end
Thread and Multiprocessing Pools are an underused feature of Python. In my opinion, they are the easiest way to dip your feet into concurrency, and yet still the method I use most often. They allow you to easily offload CPU or I/O bound tasks to a...
Continue reading...The Birthday Paradox – The Proof is in the Python
This month is my wife’s, mother’s and my own birthday, all within a span of nine days. What are the odds of that? No idea, I’m no statistician. However, as a developer, I thought it would be fun to prove (or disprove?) the Birthday Paradox with...
Continue reading...Reusables – Part 2: Wrappers
Spice up your code with wrappers! In Python, a wrapper, also known as a decorator, is simply encapsulating a function within other functions. @wrapper def my_func(a, b=2): print(b) @meta_decorator(foo=”bar”) def my_other_func(**kwargs): print(kwargs) In Reusables, all the wrappers take arguments, aka meta decorators, so you will at...
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